Laser Hair Removal: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Your Visit


Summer is heeere! (in my singing voice) Get out your cut-out swimsuits and frilly maxi dresses. It's time to plan your next vacation and leave that razor at home. If your hairs are thick and lush, then laser hair removal may be the remedy for you. You will no longer worry about trimming those pesky body hairs, plucking your underarms, or getting ingrown hairs around your bikini area!

I visited Clearstone Laser Hair Removal, and Robert, the owner, gave me a tour of his clean facility and the five removal rooms that are used to treat everything from laser hair removal to microneedling (which adds collagen to improve textured skin and firmness) to facials! The technician was helpful in giving me a rundown on what to expect, during and after the procedure.

10 Things That You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal

  1. Don’t remove the hair at the root for a month. Yes, four whole weeks! This means no plucking and waxing.
  2. Before you go in for your treatment, make sure you closely shave the treated areas.
  3. I recommend getting the treatment done two weeks before or after your period, so that your skin is not too sensitive to the laser. I learned this the hard way. :D
  4. The laser is attracted to pigment. Because the hair can be at different parts of the growth cycle, one treatment will not treat all of the hair. It is recommended to go in for another treatment to treat the next set of hair, during the start of its growth cycle.
  5. The hair will shed within 2 weeks, and you will be hairless for 4-6 weeks. After just one treatment, the hair will come back thinner and sparse!
  6. The laser will feel like someone is taking a rubber band and snapping it back onto your skin. Yes, ouch! lol
  7. For 24 hours - no hot shower, workouts, or heat to the area. Keep it cool. Try not to sweat and don't apply deodorant. Wait 48 hours, if you plan on treating your entire body.
  8. Avoid tanning.
  9. You will need a series of treatments for optimal results. After the initial visit, it is recommended to come back in 10 weeks.
  10. Expect up to six treatments to get the best results.

I went in to treat my underam and Brazilian bikini areas. The laser treats an area of about a 15 mm. radius. After 10 minutes, I was done with the underarms. After another 10 minutes, I was done wth the bikini area. Easy peasy!

If you're in Houston, check out one of the three Clearstone Laser Hair Removal & Medical Spa locations for baby smooth skin at an affordable price!


Teresa Thuy

Sponsored post: I received laser hair removal treatments in exchange for a blog post. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.